Open Air Burning Season is from January 15th to May 1st
Applicant must complete the form online or in person at the Winchendon Fire Station and pay a fee of $10.00 (check or money order only payable to the Town of Winchendon or online payment accepted)
Permission to burn must be obtained each day. Permission is obtained by calling the Winchendon Fire Department at (978) 297-6346. (NO phone calls before 9:00 AM) The permit is non-transferable. A change in address needs a new permit.
Permits issued to property owners only.
Permits must be available for inspection by fire service personnel upon request.
Permission to burn must be obtained each day. Burning is conducted at the discretion of the Winchendon Fire Department and may or may not be allowed; depending on weather conditions.
No burning is allowed for commercial or institutional purposes.
Burning is permitted from 10 AM to 4 PM. All fires must be extinguished by 4 PM.
No permits will be issued after 12 PM.
The permit holder is to be in constant attendance until the fire is completely extinguished.
Fire must be a minimum of 75 feet from any building.
Only the burning of brush, branches, cane, driftwood, and forest debris that is on the land closest to the source of the material to be burned is allowed. Burning of any building or construction materials of any kind is prohibited.
The use of gasoline, white fuel, or tires to start or maintain fires is prohibited.
Burning of grass, hay, leaves, stumps, tires, or rubbish is prohibited.
Nuisance smoke may be cause for revocation of your permit.
Permit holders must be in control of the fire at all times & have sufficient fire suppression resources available for the location, size of the fire, and weather conditions. (Failure to control the fire may result in fines and/or fire department fees to put the fire out. Violation of MGL Ch. 48:13 “shall be punished by a fine of $500.00 plus the cost of suppression or by imprisonment not more than one month or both”.)
This permit does not release the holder of liability associated with open burning and may be canceled or revoked at any time by the Fire Chief or his designee.